
Please note that instructors from previous semesters have found grade synching between Turnitin and ANGEL to be very inconsistent. We cannot guarantee that the procedure will work. We provide it only as a reference for instructors who wish to try it. If synching fails, we may not be able to provide a simple remedy.

Alternative to Grade Synching

Even without grade synching enabled, instructors are able to grade Turnitin assignments within ANGEL and students can see their assignment grades if they open a Turnitin assignment in the Lessons tab.

To import grades from Turnitin into the grade book, follow the import procedure to download and import Turnitin grades from an Excel spreadsheet. This could be done at the end of the semester or after every assignment.

Note: Future LMS tools may have improved grade synching with LTI.

Additional Notes

If you choose to attempt LTI grade synching in ANGEL, please note that the following is required:

  • All configuration steps must be completed before any student submits an assignment.
  • The points in both ANGEL and Turnitin should match.
  • The due date and submission time in both ANGEL and Turnitin should match.
  • Any student submitting an assignment OUTSIDE of ANGEL will not have his or her grade synched.
  • If a grade fails to synch once, it is unlikely that the synch will succeed later.
    Note: LTI does not have a grade reset option.

Grade Synch Procedure

  1. Follow steps #1-6 to create a Turnitin assignment in ANGEL.
  2. In the set up page, check the option for Enable Grading.
  3. Make sure to include the due date and time before saving the item.
  4. Open the assignment is created, open it to reveal the Turnitin interface.
  5. Click the Settings button in the Turnitin interface to set a matching due date and time and a point value for the assignment.
  6. Once the Turnitin assignment has been created, create a corresponding entry in the ANGEL Grade Book and set the point value to that matching the assignment. See the ANGEL KB for details on how the grade book works.

To see if a sync has been successful, please check the grade book after grading your assignments in Turnitin to see if grades have been accurately recorded. You do have the option of manually overriding a grade as needed.

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